Please note that these services are for WordPress (Woocommerce and more) , Wix, Shopify, and websites only.

If you do not agree these terms, you may not purchase our services.

Last update January 25, 2024

We respect you and your business, we don’t want to waist your precious time and hard earned money. Please contact us at vip@ianadixon.com before placing your order to make sure we can be helpful with you specific SEO needs. In some cases, we may not be able to provide appropriate services for some industries.


  1. The Client is of the opinion that the Contractor has the necessary qualifications, experience, and abilities to provide services to the Client.
  2. The Contractor agrees to provide such services to the Client on the terms and conditions in this Agreement.

IN CONSIDERATION OF the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations outlined in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is at this moment acknowledged, the Client and the Contractor (individually the “Party” and collectively the “Parties” to this Agreement) agree as follows:


  1. The Client hereby agrees to engage the Contractor to provide the Client with the following services (the “Services”):
  2. The Services will not include any other tasks not included in this Agreement and not paid by Client via Invoice issued by Contractor.

The Contractor only provides services for the Client if they were included in the Invoice and paid in full.

  1. The Contractor does not provide complimentary (free) services, consultations, editorial help, FAQs, education and mentorship services, etc.
  2. Any changes or adjustments to the Services, including Work to be performed and related fees, must be approved by both Parties with prior written consent.


The Term of this Agreement (the “Term”) will become effective the following business day after the Client fully pays the Invoice and signs the Services Agreement.

This Agreement will remain in full force and effect until the completion of the Services, subject to earlier termination as provided in this Agreement. The Term may be extended with the written consent of the Parties.

It will terminate when the Services are delivered in full according to the description provided in the Invoice or under other written agreements between the Contractor and the Client.

If either Party wishes to terminate this Agreement before the completion of the Services, that Party must provide the other Party with ten (10) days’ written notice.



The Parties agree to do everything necessary to ensure that the terms of this Agreement take effect.



Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all monetary amounts are in USD (US Dollars).



The Contractor will charge the Client a flat fee of $_____________________ for the Services (the “Compensation”).

A retainer of $______________________________ (the “Retainer”) is payable by the Client upon execution of this Agreement.

For the remaining amount, the Client will be invoiced as follows:

  1. Before Starting Services.
  2. Invoices Submitted By The Contractor To The Client Are Due Within Two Calendar Days Of Receipt.


Considering the services to be performed by the Contractor, the Client agrees to pay the Contractor within two (2) calendar days after the Service Provider issues an Invoice. 

The Invoice should include the following: 

  • An Invoice Number, 
  • The Dates Covered By The Invoice
  • A Summary Of The Work And Services To Be Performed
  • Services Total Price
  • Estimated Delivery Date.



Interest payable on any overdue amounts under this Agreement is charged at 10.00% per project or at the maximum rate enforceable under applicable legislation, whichever is lower.


Interest payable on any overdue amounts under this Agreement is charged at 10.00% per project or at the maximum rate enforceable under applicable legislation, whichever is lower.



The Contractor shall NOT be responsible for expenses incurred while performing services under this Agreement. 

It includes the following examples: 

  • Domain Purchase
  • Hosting Fees
  • Paid Versions Of Plugins And Website Themes
  • Apps And Software Purchases Or Subscriptions
  • Local Seo Location And Directory Submission Per Location
  • And Other Expenses That Are Not Included In The Invoice.


Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5 pm

Saturday, Sunday, Federal Holidays – closed.

The Contractor may be contacted in emergencies and will respond to the Client as soon as possible. A response might be delayed up to 24 hours on Saturdays, Sundays, or Federal Holidays.



In providing the Services under this Agreement, it is expressly agreed that the Contractor acts as an independent contractor, not an employee. 

The Contractor and the Client acknowledge that this Agreement does not create a partnership or joint venture between them and is exclusively a service contract. 

The Client is not required to pay or make any contributions to any social security, local, state, or federal tax, unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, insurance premium, profit-sharing, pension, or any other employee benefit for the Contractor during the Term. 

The Contractor is responsible for paying and complying with reporting requirements for all local, state, and federal taxes related to payments made to the Contractor under this Agreement.

Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Contractor will have complete control over working time, methods, and decision-making about the provision of the Services in accordance with the Agreement. 

The Contractor will work autonomously and not at the direction of the Client or any Third Parties directly or indirectly relayed to the Client. However, the Contractor will be responsive to the Client’s reasonable needs and concerns. 

The Contractor is responsible for determining the method, day, time, details, and means of performing the Services.

The Contractor does not justify, proof, or explain methods, practices, and other manipulations related to website SEO optimization.

The Contractor reserves the right to keep professional secrets, knowledge, education, expertise, and experience earned over the years.

Under this Agreement, the Client admits and understands that the Contractor is an Independent Contractor, and no partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, team member, or other relationship can be created.

The Contractor does not represent or bind the Client to any third party that any of the relationships mentioned above exist. 

The Contractor does not communicate with third parties that may or may not provide services to the Client.

The Client and any third parties directly or indirectly associated with the Client must understand and respect the Contractor’s rights.

The Contractor only communicates with third parties on behalf of the Client if it is stated in the Agreement and Invoice.

The Contractor may initiate FAQ sessions, interviews, research results, consultations, share analytics reports, content drafts, presentations, or issue a semi-report to the Client.


The Term Extra Services (the “Extra”) are considered as Services that are not included in this Agreement or any other Agreements between Parties and that are not paid by the Client to the Contractor via Invoice.

The Client may request the Contractor for Extra Services in writing via email at vip@ianadixon.com.

If an Extra Services request is granted or denied, the Contractor will notify the Client within the next two business days.

In the case the Contractor has granted Extra Services,  the Client will receive an Invoice within the next two business days. The Invoice must include a description of the services, pricing, and delivery estimates.

The Contractor issues the Client an invoice with extra details, payment, and delivery estimates. The Client must pay for an invoice within two (2) calendar days from the day it was issued by the Contractor.

Once payment is received, the Contractor will start working on the Extra project within one business day.


The Contractor considers the following as Extra in regards to the Client’s requests:

  • On-Demand Consulting And Reporting
  • SEO Copywriting Services
  • Marketing Strategy Development Services
  • Marketing Strategy Implementation
  • Website Update, New Page Creation, Content Upload, Page Design, Graphics And Media Files Creation, And Other Website Care.
  • Extra Meetings And FAQ Sessions
  • Education And Mentorship 
  • Other Requests Are Not Included In The Invoice(S).



Confidential information (the “Confidential Information”) refers to any data or information relating to the Client, whether business or personal, which would reasonably be considered to be private or proprietary to the Client and that is not generally known and where the release of that Confidential Information could reasonably be expected to cause harm to the Client.

The Contractor acknowledges that the Client must disclose confidential and proprietary information to the Contractor to perform duties under this Agreement. The Contractor recognizes that revealing this proprietary or confidential information to a third party or misusing it would harm the Client.

The Contractor is obligated never to pass, sell, or use website credentials and other sensitive information related to the Client to any third parties or use it for their benefits or other reasons.

The Contractor agrees not to disclose, divulge, reveal, report, or use, for any purpose, any Confidential Information which the Contractor has obtained, except as authorized by the Client or as required by law. The confidentiality obligations will apply during the Term and will survive indefinitely upon termination of this Agreement.

Proprietary or confidential information includes:

  • Any information stamped “confidential,” “proprietary,” or with a similar legend, or any information that the Client makes reasonable efforts to maintain secret (email logins and passwords, hosting account login and password, website login and password).
  • Business or marketing plans or strategies, customer lists, operating procedures, trade secrets, design formulas, know-how and processes, computer programs and inventories, discoveries and improvements of any kind, sales projections, and pricing information.
  • Information belonging to customers and suppliers of the Client and.
  • Other: __________________________________________________________.

Upon termination of services, the Contractor will erase all sensitive information (logins, passwords, etc.) related to the Client’s website, email, hosting, and domain account login and will never log in to any accounts linked to the Client.



The Contractor utilizes ethical, healthy, harmless, practical, up-to-date practices and methods to provide the ultimate services to the Client as agreed by this Agreement and described in the Invoice.

The Contractor will not disclose or use, either during or after the Term of this Agreement, any proprietary or confidential information of the Client without the Client’s prior written permission except to the extent necessary to perform services on the Client’s behalf.



In terms of providing the full range of services and avoiding delays, miscommunications, misunderstanding, and other obstacles, the Client must grant the Contractor access and related credentials to the:

  • The Client’s Gmail Account Is Associated With The Google Search Console, 
  • Website Admin Panel, 
  • Domain Provider Account And Dashboard 
  • Hosting Provider Account And Dashboard, etc.

The Client must promptly provide information, documents, website content, final versions, media files, graphics, and other materials related to the project and agreed upon by both parties in writing.



Suppose the Contractor causes any project or service delays. In that case, the Contractor will compensate for the delay with free extra services or consultations that cover an equivalent of services that cannot be provided by unexpected reasons or circumstances that are stated in an Invoice or other written Agreement between the Client and the Contractor. 

If the Client delays providing credentials, media files, feedback, content, permission, authorization, etc., the Client takes full responsibility for the delay in project delivery. 

If the Client experiences force majeure that causes delays in project completion-time delivery, the Client must inform the Contractor via email as soon as circumstances occur. 

After discussing issues between the Client and the Contractor (via email), the estimated delivery date will be moved to another date.

The Contractor is not responsible for any delays caused by force majeure and other unexpected circumstances of the Client.


The Contractor notifies the Client about project accomplishment and emails a report within the next business day from the agreed-upon delivery day between the Contractor and the Client.

As stated by the services Agreement, the Client will receive the full report and supporting documents related to the project once it is officially delivered or monthly on the assigned day for ongoing services.

Due to the nature of professional relationships between the Contractor and the Client, the Contractor will reject on-demand requests for semi-reporting, analytics reporting, presentation development, reporting to stakeholders, etc. As declared in the paragraph, the detailed report, files, and other documentation will be provided to the Client.

The Contractor or the Client may initiate a Free Project Delivery Consultation (30-40 minutes) via Zoom. 

The Client should schedule the Consultation within ten (10) business days of the Contractor or Client’s initiation.

The Client must provide feedback on services within five (5) business days after issuing the report. 

Suppose the Client doesn’t schedule a Free Project Delivery Consultation or provide feedback. In that case, the Contractor considers the project delivered to the Client’s complete satisfaction, with the project report fully comprehended. 



SEO and Content Marketing Consulting

Unlock your website’s potential with our Online SEO and Content Marketing Consultation! We will provide personalized insights and actionable strategies to enhance your site’s visibility and search engine ranking. Here’s what you need to know to maximize this opportunity.

The Service Provider offers two options for Consulting:

  • Initial (Free 30-Minute Consultation)*  
  • And Paid (60-Minute Consultation).

All appointments are scheduled in the Contractor’s time zone (PST, California, USA).

* A Candidate Must Meet Eligibility Requirements.

Free Initial SEO Consultation (30-minutes).

Who is eligible:

  • Business Owners And Associates (First-Time Consultation)
  • New Clients (Complimentary Interview, Report Overview – Included To Services Contract (Invoice)
  • Current Clients (Must Be Granted Or Initiated By Iana Dixon).

Please note that a Free Consultation must be granted by Iana Dixon or an authorized representative of Iana Dixon Advanced SEO & Copywriting Services. Only eligible clients may schedule a Free Initial Consultation:

  • Clients Who Used A Free Consultation 
  • (Or) Violated Our Terms Of Services Or Cancelation Policies In The Past
  • Are Not Eligible For Free Consultation Unless Personally Granted By Iana Dixon In Writing.

We reserve the right to refuse consultations and any other services to anyone.

Services Provider will cancel scheduled consultations without feather notification.

Book Online: Secure your slot effortlessly by visiting our booking portal. You will then receive a confirmation email with all the details for your Consultation.

Confirmation: Upon booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details for your Consultation, including a link to the virtual meeting room.

Consultation Fee: $0 per 30-minute Consultation.

Rescheduling/Cancellation: Please give us at least 24 hours’ notice. Appointments rescheduled/canceled less than 24 hours in advance may not be eligible for rescheduling.

Availability: Rescheduling is subject to the availability of our consultants. We’ll find a new slot that suits your schedule.

Consultation Timing: Free 30-minute consultations may last up to 35 minutes. A Company representative will be politely notified when the Consultation is about to end, and your consultant will wrap up the Consultation. 

If you want to continue running the Consultation, request your consultant to issue an urgent invoice for a paid consultation (60 minutes), pay the Invoice, and continue the conversation if your consultant is available*. Alternatively, schedule a new consultation as soon as possible.

* The Company must pay the Invoice within 3 (three) calendar days of the Consultation. If the Company fails to pay the Invoice promptly, the Service Provider will hold the release of a meeting summary report or Zoom link to the recorded meeting.

Fees and extra charges will apply for each day of payment delay.

Late Payment Fees: A Company will be charged a $10 (USD) fee daily from the day it fails to pay the Invoice. 

After 30 days of delay in invoice payment, the service provider reserves the right to refuse to issue the final report and link to recorded consultation files. 

60-minute SEO and Content Marketing Consultation.

All appointments are on PST (California, USA) time. 

Who is eligible:

  • Business Owners
  • Business Associates
  • New Clients
  • Current Clients
  • Anyone Interested In Starting, Running, And Growing A Business Online To Establish Or Improve Online Visibility.

Book Online: The Company can effortlessly secure a slot by visiting our booking portal. Our intuitive calendar displays available dates and times, allowing you to select the one that best fits your schedule.

Consultation Fee: $150 per 60-minute Consultation via Invoice or $200 via Fiverr.com platform.

Confirmation: Upon booking, the Company receives a confirmation email with all the necessary details for your Consultation, including a link to the virtual meeting room.

Consultation Timing: Paid 60-minute SEO and Content Marketing Consultations may last up to 65 minutes. The Company (representative) will be politely notified when the Consultation ends and your consultant will wrap up the Consultation. 

Paid 60-Minute Consultation Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy.


If the Company needs to reschedule an Appointment, please inform the Service provider at least 24 hours in advance. 

The Company can quickly reschedule an Appointment through the link in the confirmation email or by contacting the Service Provider’s support team directly or emailing vip@ianadixon.com

Last-Minute Cancellations: We understand that emergencies happen. However, appointments canceled less than 24 hours in advance may not be eligible for rescheduling.

No-Show Fee: The Company will be refunded 75% of the paid amount. Honoring scheduled appointments is essential to ensuring the best service experience.

The Company is allowed to reschedule appointments up to two times. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise and aim to accommodate our customers’ needs.

Availability: Rescheduling is subject to the availability of the Services Provider consultants. We’ll find a new slot that suits your schedule.


The Service Provider will issue to the Company via email:

  • A Meeting Report, 
  • A Zoom Link (If Applicable) To The Recorded Meeting, 
  • And A Free SEO And Content Marketing Quote.



The Contractor does not provide any services that may harm the Client’s website, the Client itself, its affiliates, employees, agents, third parties, or other contractors. The services are harmless from any loss, liability, damage, or other expenses arising from performing services under this Agreement.

The Contractor shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect, exemplary, special, or incidental delays or changes that may be caused by the web hosting provider, domain provider, website developer, or other third parties’ influence arising from or relating to the Agreement. 

The Contractor provides services that benefit the Client’s online presence. No harm can be done to the Client’s website. 



Some Technical SEO interventions, like preferred domain setup, will cause the website to be unavailable for 24 to 72 hours due to the DNS propagation process. In rare cases, the process may take up to 120 hours to start again.


Some services, like Preferred Domain Setup and Configuration, may cause a website to be unavailable to users, website admins, developers, and other employees administering a website. The unavailability and delays may take 24 to 120 more hours. The delay may depend on domain provider settings and other circumstances related to worldwide website updates.

The Contractor will notify the Client 24-48 hours in advance about possible delays or temporary inconveniences the website(s) may experience due to technical setups, changes, and other updates significant for the website’s search engine optimization process.

The Client, its affiliates, employees, agents, third parties, and other contractors must refrain from making changes to, updates to, or interactions with its website. The service provider will notify the Client when the restriction is removed.

The Contractor does not take responsibility for consequences that may be caused by the Client and related to the Client’s staff actions.



The Client must compensate the Contractor 100% for the time and effort required to restore all on-site and off-site updates, settings, or configurations lost due to the Company’s and other actions.

The Contractor’s hourly flat rate is $150.


The Contractor will issue an Invoice to the Client covering expenses for restoring lost on-site and off-site updates, settings, or configurations. 

The number of working hours required to restore lost updates, settings, or configurations previously accomplished by the Contractor may vary due to the nature of the task(s) and its complication, resources, and restoration process duration.



All services performed under this Agreement, including without limitation all creations, works, and website content, will be the sole property of the Client. The Contractor retains no right to use the Work Product and agrees not to challenge the validity of the Client’s ownership of the Work Product.



Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the other Party five (5) business days’ written notice of the intent to terminate. 

The Contractor must provide the Client with the final report, supporting information, and other documents related to the completed or ongoing project within ten (10) business days after the services officially stopped. 



The Contractor treats the Client with courtesy, decency, and respect and requests the same in return.

The Contractor reserves the right to perform their work/services without violence, abuse, or harassment. Any verbal or physical behavior that makes the Contractor feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or threatened is unacceptable.

The Zero Tolerance Policy includes aggression or threats made during video Zoom Meetings, over the telephone, text messaging, social media platforms, email, or other verbal and written communication methods. 

The Contractor considers threatening behavior to be:

  • Attempted Or Actual Aggressive, Threatening Physical Actions Towards Any Contractor And Staff.
  • The Use Of Passive-Aggressive And Openly Aggressive Behavior, Threatening Or Abusive Language (Including The Raising Of The Voice, Swearing And Cursing, Shouting, Blackmailing, Etc.) Which Threatens, Intimidates, Humiliates, Or Disvalues Expertise And Experience Of The Contractor And Staff.

Zero tolerance applies to the following behaviors:

  • Terms Of A Contract Or Invoice Disregard
  • Personal And Professional Boundaries Disrespect
  • Creates Conflict (The Unhealthy Kind)
  • Refuse To Use And Implement Professional Recommendations And Suggestions
  • Blackmailing, Reputation Harm Threats
  • Rude, Disrespectful Communication That Harms The Honor And Dignity Of Service Provider Staff And Representatives
  • Devalues The Contractor’s Time, Skill, Expertise, And Experience
  • Fail To Pay On Time (Or At All)
  • Consistent Failure To Provide Important Information On Time That Causes Delays In The Results Or Project Delivery.

This policy applies to the Client and any employee or third Party providing services to the Client away from the business premises, but only as it relates to the practice’s business.

The Contractor reserves the right to remove the Client’s details from the systems and cease to correspond with or do any business and communication with them.


The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is non-exclusive and that either Party will be free, during and after the Term, to engage or contract with third parties to provide services similar to the Services.

This Agreement constitutes the sole Agreement between the Parties and supersedes all oral negotiations and prior writings regarding the Services. Any subsequent changes to the terms of this Agreement may be amended or waived only with the written consent of the Client and Contractor Mutual Agreement.



All notices, requests, demands, or other communications required or permitted by the terms of this Agreement will be given in writing and delivered to the Parties at the following email addresses:

  1. vip@ianadixon.com


Any amendment or modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either Party in connection with this Agreement will only be binding if evidenced in writing and signed by each Party or an authorized representative of each Party.

Each Party acknowledges that it has read this Agreement and fully understands its terms and provisions. Both parties have been allowed to seek legal counsel regarding this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be construed against any party because of its drafting or preparation.

Contact us today!

Hours of Operation*:

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

*(Saturday, Sunday and Federal Holidays - CLOSED)

Email: vip@ianadixon.com

Call/Text : +1 (888) 301-7808 (Toll-Free)

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